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AdonisJS v6 Postgis

·3 mins

Adonis v6 is a significant upgrade with a fantastic list of improvements. If you’re using Postgis with your Adonis application, you may have come across a cookbook that demonstrates how to set up an Adonis v5 application with the knex-postgis library. However, this guide no longer works with v6. In this post, I’ll walk you through the process of adapting the cookbook to work with Adonis v6.

Getting Started #

First, we’ll need to install knex-postgis as a dependency in our project.

npm install knex-postgis

Creating an Extension #

To link the knex-postgis library with Adonis’ database service, we need to create an extension. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a folder called extensions and add an empty TypeScript file named postgis.ts. You can choose a different name if you prefer.
  2. In the postgis.ts file, add the following code:
// extensions/postgis.ts

import { Database } from '@adonisjs/lucid/database'
import knexPostgis, { KnexPostgis } from 'knex-postgis'

declare module '@adonisjs/lucid/database' {
  interface Database {
    st(): KnexPostgis

Database.macro('st', function (this: Database, connectionName?: string) {
  connectionName = connectionName || this.primaryConnectionName

  const connection = this.getRawConnection(connectionName)!.connection!

   * Ensure we are dealing with a PostgreSQL connection
  if (connection.dialectName !== 'postgres') {
    throw new Error('The "st" function can only be used with PostgreSQL')

   * Configure extension if not already configured
  if (!connection.client!['postgis']) {
    if (connection.hasReadWriteReplicas) {

  return connection.client!['postgis']

Let’s break down what’s happening in this file. First, we tap into the Macroable features of Adonis to add the st function to the Database class, so that Typescript can understand it. We then implement the st function to configure the extension if it hasn’t been configured yet, just like in the original cookbook.

Linking it up #

All that’s left to do is implement the extension via a provider that runs on application boot.

// providers/postgis_provider.ts

import type { ApplicationService } from '@adonisjs/core/types'

export default class PostgisProvider {
  constructor(protected app: ApplicationService) {}

   * The container bindings have booted
  async boot() {
    await import('../extensions/postgis.js')

Finally, add it to your adonisrc.ts configuration file:

// adonisrc.ts
// ...
providers : [
  // all other providers
  () => import('#providers/postgis_provider'),

That’s it! #

Now you can access geospatial knex-postgis functions in your Adonis v6 application, like so:

import db from '@adonisjs/lucid/services/db'

const point ='POINT(1 1)')
// yields -> ST_geomFromText('Point(1 1)')

Example Github Repo #

I’ve created a demo repo on github. You can clone it, create an .env file with the required database credentials, and then run the node ace postgis:test command to test it out. If successful, it should print out the following.

[ info ] ST_geomFromText('Point(0 0)')